With the countdown until the start of Clipper 11-12 rapidly descending, we at Clipper Race HQ thought it best to go through the best ways to keep up to date with the action when the race gets underway.

Arguably the most addictive area of the Clipper Race website will launch on the 31 July as the start gun fires to set the teams on their way. The Race Viewer will update the yachts’ positions every three hours and you’ll be able to track each entry’s progress as well as study the wind conditions surrounding the whole fleet.

Each day the Clipper fleet is racing we’ll be posting a daily update with a comprehensive look at the teams’ progress as well as reports from each race skipper. You’ll also be able to gain a unique insight into life on board a stripped down racing yacht during a round the world race as every team will send a diary and photo back each day.

The eighth edition of the race also marks another first; you’ll be able to keep up to date with all the action straight from your mobile by using our range of soon to be released mobile applications. Watch out for versions for iPhone, BlackBerry and Android. The apps include the Race Viewer, Race News, the latest photos and video plus much more.

The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race is open to everyone no matter their previous sailing experience but if you’re unable to take part in Clipper 11-12 you can race from your arm chair or your office! The Virtual Race allows you to design your boat, choose your sails and plot your route while up against the same wind conditions as the Clipper Race fleet.
3/25/2012 06:20:02 pm

Nice one info, thx

7/12/2012 03:15:10 am

Great info, thanks


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